Visualization of a stationary CPG-revealing spinal wave

Central Pattern Generator (CPG) is still an elusive concept that has a visual manifestation as a rhythmic oscillation commanded from the spine, but that also has another manifestation as a train of bursts in the surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals recorded on the para-spinal muscles. This leads to the challenging problem of correlating the visually observed spinal wave with the sEMG signals recorded during the session. This paper develops a mathematical model of the spinal wave phenomenon, which, when driven by the sEMG data, yields such visually observable features as wave nodes.

Hiebert A, Jonckheere E, Lohsoonthorn P, Mahajan V, Musuvathy S, Stefanovic M. Visualization of a Stationary CPG-Revealing Spinal Wave. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2006 Jan 4;119:198-200.